Thanks to all who have supported OutTakes and made the first seven months an exciting time! Sometimes, Blogtalkradio can be difficult to navigate through. So here is a list of all the interviews done this year. All can be found at this link. Let's hope that 2011 rocks!!!
James Reynolds (Abe Carver, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) - 6/5/2010.
What's it all about? James as actor and director in the Cape May productions of And Where She Stops Nobody Knows and Top Dog/Underdog.
Patsy Pease (Kim Donovan, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) - 6/29/2010.
What's it all about? Patsy's recovery from spinal injury and her guest return to Days of Our Lives for the tribute to Frances Reid.
Colleen Zenk (Barbara Ryan, AS THE WORLD TURNS) - 7/12/2010.
What's it all about? Colleen's show, Summer Stock NYC.
Julia Barr (Brooke English, ALL MY CHILDREN) - 7/18/2010.
What's it all about? Julia starring in production with All My Children cast member, Walt Willey, in Arsenic and Old Lace.
Eric Sheffer Stevens (Reid Oliver, AS THE WORLD TURNS) - 7/26/2010.
What's it all about? Eric starring in production of Much Ado About Nothing and the cancellation of As The World Turns.
Save Our Soaps 2010 Campaign - 8/13/2010.
What's it all about? Campaign to save cancellation of soaps.
Nicolas Coster (Lionel Lockridge, SANTA BARBARA; Jack, THE BAY) - 8/16/2010. What's it all about? Nicolas' upcoming appearance on the web series, The Bay; his career on television.
Anthony Herrera (James Stenbeck, AS THE WORLD TURNS) - 9/7/2010.
What's it all about? Anthony's experiences with cancer as well as his book, The Cancer War.
Jerry Douglas (John Abbott, THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS) - 9/16/2010.
What's it all about? Guest return to The Young and the Restless; fundraiser with Scott Baio.
Leann Hunley (Anna Dimera, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) and Jennifer Brown Thomas (director of indie film, BLISSFUL LIES) - 9/20/2010.
What's it all about? Discussion of indie film Blissful Lies.
Louise Sorel (Vivian Alamain, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) - 9/23/2010.
What's it all about? Current storyline on Days of Our Lives; her career on television.
Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux, DAYS OF OUR LIVES; Stephen Jensen, THE BAY) - 9/26/2010.
What's it all about? Matt's upcoming appearance on the web series, The Bay; his upcoming indie films; his calendar for Retinoblastoma International.
Tina Sloan (Lillian Raines, GUIDING LIGHT; Katherine Pierce, VENICE; Theodora, EMPIRE - 9/29/2010.
What's it all about? Tina's play and book, Changing Shoes.
Thom Bierdz (Phillip Chancellor III, THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS) - 10/19/2010.
What's it all about? Thom's stand against gay bullying; his book Forgiving Troy.
Trent Dawson (Henry Coleman, AS THE WORLD TURNS) - 10/29/2010.
What's it all about? Trent's stage work in Revival and The Memorandum.
Tom Schanley, actor of primetime and film - 11/9/2010.
What's it all about? Tom's upcoming film projects and television career.
Jon Lindstrom (Craig Montgomery, AS THE WORLD TURNS) - 11/17/2010.
What's it all about? Jon's new release recording with The High Lonesome; appearance on Blue Bloods; his stage role in Welcome: This is a Neighborhood Watch Community.
Cady McClain (Rosanna Cabot, AS THE WORLD TURNS) - 11/23/2010.
What's it all about? Cady's release of Live at Club Passim; Blue Glitter Fish; other projects.
Staci Greason (Isabella Black, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) - 12/2/2010.
What's it all about? Staci's novel, The Last Great American Housewife and her guest appearance on Days of Our Lives.
Jillian Clare (Tori, MISS BEHAVE) - 12/9/2010.
What's it all about? Second season of Miss Behave; Jillian's appearances in Victorious and Castle.
Lane Davies (Mason Capwell, SANTA BARBARA; MacKenzie Johnson, THE BAY) - 12/29/2010.
What's it all about? Lane's role in the web series, The Bay; his work on stage, including Tennessee Shakespeare Festival.
OUTTAKES - reviews, articles and interviews of various actors in the entertainment industry.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

LANE DAVIES joins OutTakes to discuss his appearance as "Mackenzie Johnson" on the web series, The Bay along with his well-respected career in theater, television and film. Soap watchers will remember Lane as "Evan Whyland" from Days of Our Lives, "Dr. Cameron Lewis" from General Hospital, and his most well-known role, "Mason Capwell" from Santa Barbara.
Join OUTTAKES on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29TH at 10 PM EST. The call-in number for the show is (347) 989-0605. Be sure to press "1" when prompted by the recording to be brought onto the switchboard with a question. If you register with a Blogtalkradio account, you can also participate in the chat room. The radio show can be found at the following link.
To keep up with all the news with upcoming OUTTAKES interviews, you can follow this blog, become friends with "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook or follow "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter!
Off-Ramp's Celebrity "Night Before Christmas"

Where else will you find Larry Mantle, Salman Rushdie, Huell Howser, Kathleen Turner (pictured above), John de Lancie and Sylvia Poggioli working together in rendering "Twas the Night Before Christmas"? Check out this fun recording at the link.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
MISS BEHAVE, Season Two Premiere

The first episode of Miss Behave, Season Two premiered this last Thursday (12/16/10). If you haven't seen this episode, mostly centering on the fallout from the cliffhanger of Season One, check it out at Eric Martsolf ("Brady Black" from Days of Our Lives) has some good screen time in this first episode as a Hollywood star who attends the production of "Romeo and Juliet".
Also, here is the link to the recent OutTakes interview with Jillian Clare, the lead of the series.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
THE HIGH LONESOME available for download

OutTakes guest Jon Lindstrom's newest band recording, The High Lonesome Collector's Album 1995-2010, is available for purchase and download at the link.
Colleen Zenk Campaign for DANCING WITH THE STARS

A fanbase-run campaign to get OutTakes guest Colleen Zenk (ex-Barbara, ATWT) on Dancing With the Stars has been going strong. With about 5000 members campaigning, Colleen said that her agent had been contacted by the dance show. For a real chance for her to win, the numbers need to double. Latest count has been around 6000. Join the group "Colleen Zenk deserves to be on DWTS" on Facebook to help support the campaign!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Staci Greason's book available for purchase

Recent OutTakes guest Staci Greason's new novel, The Last Great American Housewife, is now available for purchase for Kindle on Amazon. Staci has recently appeared on Days of Our Lives as angel "Isabella".
Monday, December 6, 2010

JILLIAN CLARE joins OutTakes to discuss Season Two of Miss Behave as well as her recent apperances on Victorious and Castle. Days of Our Lives fans will remember her as "Abby Deveraux".
Join OUTTAKES on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9TH at 10 PM EST. The call-in number for the show is (347) 989-0605. Be sure to press "1" when prompted by the recording to be brought onto the switchboard with a question. If you register with a Blogtalkradio account, you can also participate in the chat room. The radio show can be found at the following link.
To keep up with all the news with upcoming OUTTAKES interviews, you can follow this blog, become friends with "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook or follow "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

STACI GREASON (ex-Isabella, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) talks about the pre-release of her new novel, "The Last Great American Housewife", her writing career and her recent appearances on the soap. Newer DAYS watchers will know "Isabella" as Brady Black's angel mom who shows up from time to time. Long-term watchers remember "Isabella" for her romance and marriage to John Black along with her devastating death from pancreatic cancer. Learn more about Staci's career on and off the television screen.
Join OUTTAKES on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2ND at 10 PM EST. The call-in number for the show is (347) 989-0605. Be sure to press "1" when prompted by the recording to be brought onto the switchboard with a question. If you register with a Blogtalkradio account, you can also participate in the chat room. The radio show can be found at the following link.
To keep up with all the news with upcoming OUTTAKES interviews, you can follow this blog, become friends with "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook or follow "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
RESCHEDULED - CADY MCCLAIN live call-in show

CADY MCCLAIN, well known in daytime for her roles as "Dixie Martin" on ALL MY CHILDREN and as "Rosanna Cabot" on AS THE WORLD TURNS, will be talking about the upcoming release of her new recording, Live at Club Passim.
Join OUTTAKES on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 at 10 PM EST. The call-in number for the show is (347) 989-0605. Be sure to press "1" when prompted by the recording to be brought onto the switchboard with a question. If you register with a Blogtalkradio account, you can also participate in the chat room. The radio show can be found at the following link.
To keep up with all the news with upcoming OUTTAKES interviews, you can follow this blog, become friends with "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook or follow "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Web Series Review - THE BAY, Book 2, Ep. 3

With the final installment of Book 2 of The Bay, we see the stand-off at Henry's Hat come to an end with some bloodshed. Rex (Tristan Rogers) and Igor (Camden Toy, pictured above) both end up with some lead in them. Somehow...gee, I have the feeling that Sexy Rexy will come out of this okay. It's the scene-stealing maniacal awesome Igor that I'm worried about. I really hope he'll survive to wreak havoc another day. And is it just me or was there some truth to Igor's claims about the affair with Brian (Dylan Bruce)? Why else is Brian so eager to just let Igor die right there on the floor like a dog?
Isabella (played beautifully by Claire-Louise Sedgley) comes across some disturbing photographs from her attack left outside of her home. For me, the whole storyline with Elliot Sanders (Charles Shaughnessy) and Isabella has been riveting. My only complaint is I have to wait a week to see just a few more minutes of the storyline.
After the attack is over, Pete Garrett (Kristos Andrews) apparently suffers from a little too much hard partying and goes into spasms.
Thus, the cliffhanger for Book Two of The Bay. Find this episode at the link.
Web Series Review - VENICE, Eps. 2 thru 6

First of all, the subscription fee of $9.99 for Venice seems to be paying off. The website is much more user-friendly. All of the episodes loaded up and played with no difficulty. The visuals seemed sharper and almost cinematic. Last but not least, the episodes were extended to fifteen minutes from ten. So kudos to Crystal Chappell for building a better webseries. I was guilty as much as anyone else for kvetching about the subscription fee but I can see where the money is going.
The bulk of the action so far in the second season of Venice is with the triangle of Gina (Crystal Chappell)/Ani (Jessica Leccia)/Laura (Nadia Bjorlin). While most of the scenes with Ani and Laura mainly consists of kissing and cooking, there is an emotional overtone with Gina and Ani that is very powerful. No doubt, Guiding Light fans of Olivia and Natalia are loving these moments.
There is definitely foreshadowing coming up of a new triangle with Owen (Galen Gering)/Sami (Gina Tognoni)/Van (Wes Ramsey). This is where I'm having a hard time keeping my soaps separate. I am not at all a fan of Gering's other character, Rafe Hernandez, on Days of Our Lives; personally I think Rafe should win the award for the Biggest Hypocrite on daytime television. I'm trying to think objectively and not confuse the character of Rafe with the character of Owen. However, once Van hit the scene, objectivity got thrown out the window for me. Wes Ramsey had a very short but memorable role on DAYS (also with the name of "Owen", ironically); and this time he is actually playing someone who seems sane enough. At least, Van has yet to kidnap anyone and stick them in a morgue drawer. So right now, I have to say Van is nice eye candy and I want to see more. Also looking forward to the Owen/Van clash that is sure to come.
The Colonel (Jordan Clarke), Guya (Hillary B. Smith) and Katherine (fabulous OutTakes guest Tina Sloan -- sorry for the shameless plug) all deal with the challenges of aging. While the Colonel wrestles with recovering from a stroke and proceeds to make Gina's life a living hell, Katherine has a delightful scene in which she tries to work up the courage to get acquainted with a young woman who catches her interest. I am loving Guya with her new love interest (Shawn Christian) and how she is worried that she is losing her aura.
There have been a few scenes with Jamie (Harrison White) and Michele King (Michelle N. Carter). So far, they seem like lighthearted filler at this point; not sure where these characters are supposed to be going.
The series is definitely moving in the right direction in terms of quality. Occasionally I want a little less small talk and a little more action in the scenes...and I mean action in the plot, not the bedroom variety of which Laura and Ani are supplying aplenty. There are some scenes that are brilliantly done such as Gina's scene with Jamie where they laugh about the dead hooker's stage name of "Candy Cane"; also, the scene with Guya and Katherine about being a "blocker" was hysterical too. So great to see so many beloved soap actors in storylines that don't involve baby switches, kidnappings, being buried alive, "who's the daddy", etc., etc.
Venice is going strong. Looking forward to more. To watch Season Two, sign up for a subscription at
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
JILLIAN CLARE to guest spot in VICTORIOUS movie

Jillian Clare (lead of MISS BEHAVE webseries) has been a very business actress these days. Check out the press release of all that she's up to.
HOLLYWOOD, CA (November 3, 2010) – Following a wrap on the second season production of her hit web soap Miss Behave, eighteen year old actress Jillian Clare surfaces this fall as contrasting characters, on two very different and extremely popular television shows.
Guest starring as Jade's new rival Haley, Jillian is elated to be featured in the first ever Victorious movie “Freak Out” scheduled to debut on Black Friday, November 26th. Miss Clare adds, “This was such a fun role for me – I had the chance to step in as a mean girl, something I've always wanted to do.” In the movie, Jillian plays the daughter of the karaoke club owner (brought to life by legendary actor Tom Virtue) and reigning queen of their singing contests. A performer since age six, she was excited to sing on television, though it was a challenging experience in the recording studio as she altered her voice for the show. Billed as the biggest Victorious event in the history of the series, the Nickelodeon hit continues to be a huge draw and constant ratings leader in cable television shows. Jillian continues, “It was great to finally work with Dan Schneider – it's such a fun set and a ton of laughs every day. I can't wait to see the final product!”
In the month of December, Miss Clare jumps over to prime time as she shocks Alexis and her family when her character Gracie returns to visit her childhood friend on ABC's Castle. “Last Call” is set to air December 6th with Gracie checking in to visit New York City in search of the perfect college. “Working on Castle with Molly Quinn, Nathan Fillion, and the rest of the cast was such an amazing experience.” She continues, “It's definitely one of my favorite gigs, plus to meet and work with Susan Sullivan? It was incredible!”
In addition to her recent television projects, Jillian produces and leads the cast of Miss Behave, one of the most popular teen soaps on the internet. Starring as Tori Archer, daughter of an affluent Malibu couple woven into the entertainment world, sixteen year old Tori spun many lies during the first season of the online show, and is about to reap the consequences of her deception when second season debuts on December 16th (
Sunday, November 14, 2010

JON LINDSTROM, well known in daytime for his roles as "Kevin Collins" on GENERAL HOSPITAL and as "Craig Montgomery" on AS THE WORLD TURNS, will be talking about the upcoming release of his band's recording of "The High Lonesome Collector's Album" as well as his current role in the play currently in New York, "Welcome, This is a Neighborhood Watch Community".
Join OUTTAKES on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 at 10 PM EST. The call-in number for the show is (347) 989-0605. Be sure to press "1" when prompted by the recording to be brought onto the switchboard with a question. If you register with a Blogtalkradio account, you can also participate in the chat room. The radio show can be found at the following link.
To keep up with all the news with upcoming OUTTAKES interviews, you can follow this blog, become friends with "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook or follow "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
MISS BEHAVE Season Two Trailer
Here is the link for MISS BEHAVE's Season Two Trailer. First episode starts on December 16th, 2010.
Friday, November 12, 2010
CLASS script available for purchase

Earlier this year, Thaao Penghlis (Tony, DAYS) and film actress Heather Matarazzo starred in CLASS, a Cape May Stage production written by Charles Evered and produced and directed by Roy Steinberg. The script is now available for purchase. It is still a new item and unlisted so you would need to call to order.
Go to
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Web Series THE BAY, Ch. 2, Webisode 7 recap
Colleen accuses Keith on using her daughter to come onto her. The standoff at Henry's Hat with Igor comes to a mysterious explosive end with gunshots after psychiatrist Christine Nelson tries to talk the psycho obsessive down. Isabella tries to remember more details about her attack as Capt. Elliot Sanders runs to the rescue effort.
See the episode at the following link.
See the episode at the following link.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cady McClain Show to be Rescheduled
The live call-in show with Cady McClain previously set for this Wednesday, November 10th, will be rescheduled for a later date.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Victoria Rowell writes sequel
Victoria Rowell (ex-Drucilla, Y&R) announced on Twitter that she has given the OK for a sequel to Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva. Another chance to try to guess which fictional characters are which real-life actors!
Thursday, November 4, 2010

As an actor, TOM SCHANLEY is known for his work in television, on shows like Criminal Minds, Dexter and the CSI’s, but he has also had the privilege of working with some of the cinematic icons of our time: Academy Award winning director Ed Zwick and Denzel Washington in Courage Under Fire and Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts in Conspiracy Theory among others.
Join OUTTAKES on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 at 10 PM EST as Tom talks about his career, including his recent films, How I Spent My Summer Vacation (starring Mel Gibson) and The Gardener (directed by Chris Weitz, director of the Twilight film series). The call-in number for the show is (347) 989-0605. Be sure to press "1" when prompted by the recording to be brought onto the switchboard with a question. If you register with a Blogtalkradio account, you can also participate in the chat room. The radio show can be found at the following link.
To keep up with all the news with upcoming OUTTAKES interviews, you can follow this blog, become friends with "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook or follow "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Web Series Review - THE BAY, Ch. 2, Ep. 2
Mainly this episode are more plot details. Keith (Real Andrews) suggests to Colleen (Daphne Bloomer) that they have dinner with her estranged daughter, Vivian. Isabella (Claire Louise Sedgley) admits to her father (Charles Shaughnessy) that more memories are coming back to her after the night of her attack. Camden Toy as freaky-deaky "Igor" still holds THE BAY and its characters hostage as he demands that Ryan admits that they slept together!
Friday, October 29, 2010

TRENT DAWSON talks about his upcoming play, Vaclav Havel's THE MEMORANDUM and playing "Henry" on AS THE WORLD TURNS on the OutTakes Blogtalkradio show. You can listen to the show at this link or on the player button to the left. Running time: approx 23 minutes.
More information about THE MEMORANDUM can be found here at The Actors Company Theatre website.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Web Series Review - THE BAY Ch. 2, Ep. 1

Chapter Two is coming off to a great start with the debuts of Real Andrews, Daphne Bloomer, Clare-Louise Sedgley and Charles Shaughnessy. Dr. Keith Campbell (Real Andrews) pays Colleen (Daphne Bloomer) a visit. During the conversation we learn that Colleen gave up her daughter, Vivian, when she was sixteen. Charles Shaughnessy (as Captain Elliot Sanders) can read the phone book and be if product placements really have to happen in the series, he's an excellent choice as resident salesman. I love the father-daughter relationship going on with Elliott and Isabella (Clare-Louise Sedgley). Sedgley is a wonderful casting choice; and I'm looking forward to finding out more about the story of these two. Wild and crazy Igor has da bomb...and gives off a big reveal about Brian which I will not spoil here. Now THE BAY is really rocking!
Watch the episode at this link.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
ANTHONY HERRERA to work on Tennessee Williams documentary
As per OUTTAKES guest Anthony Herrera's Facebook page:
"In 2007, Dr. Daniel Lenihan (my heart doctor) initiated a partnership between cardiologists and oncologists, originally having a conference for representatives of each major medical discipline, to “talk to one another” so that their separate paths of treatment do not interfere with one another in treating a patient with cancer and heart disease. One principle goal was to better communicate problems that chemotherapy can cause in the patient and to find early warning signals to prevent heart damage and other circulatory complications that might occur from the cancer treatment.
Dr. Lenihan ask me to give a talk and I first presented THE HUMAN SPIRIT – A VITAL WEAPON at MD Anderson that year / 2008 - Sloan Kettering / MD Anderson Cardio Conference - New York City / 2009 - Hackensack Cancer Center - New Jersey and St Jude - Memphis
I presented at Vanderbilt – 7 October 2010 And SLU in St. Louis - 9 October.
This can be viewed on:
I received a hardy applause at Vanderbilt and a standing ovation in St. Louis.
I was awarded by the New York Foundation for the Arts
$10,000 for a documentary on Tennessee Williams in
New Orleans featuring - Kenneth Holditch, PhD - the
world's leading scholar on America’s greatest playwright.
I am now in the Crescent City preparing for the shoot.
Thank you all . . .
Congrats, Anthony!
"In 2007, Dr. Daniel Lenihan (my heart doctor) initiated a partnership between cardiologists and oncologists, originally having a conference for representatives of each major medical discipline, to “talk to one another” so that their separate paths of treatment do not interfere with one another in treating a patient with cancer and heart disease. One principle goal was to better communicate problems that chemotherapy can cause in the patient and to find early warning signals to prevent heart damage and other circulatory complications that might occur from the cancer treatment.
Dr. Lenihan ask me to give a talk and I first presented THE HUMAN SPIRIT – A VITAL WEAPON at MD Anderson that year / 2008 - Sloan Kettering / MD Anderson Cardio Conference - New York City / 2009 - Hackensack Cancer Center - New Jersey and St Jude - Memphis
I presented at Vanderbilt – 7 October 2010 And SLU in St. Louis - 9 October.
This can be viewed on:
I received a hardy applause at Vanderbilt and a standing ovation in St. Louis.
I was awarded by the New York Foundation for the Arts
$10,000 for a documentary on Tennessee Williams in
New Orleans featuring - Kenneth Holditch, PhD - the
world's leading scholar on America’s greatest playwright.
I am now in the Crescent City preparing for the shoot.
Thank you all . . .
Congrats, Anthony!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Link to WAYNE NORTHROP interview

Here is a great gem of a short interview (about 3 minutes) with Wayne Northrop (in my opinion, the first and best Roman Brady from DAYS OF OUR LIVES...sorry, Josh Taylor)...who happens to be the most famous person from Sumner, WA. Check out the link.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
JON LINDSTROM in Axiom Theatre Production

Jon Lindstrom (ex-Craig, ATWT) to star in Axiom Theatre's "Welcome, This is a Neighborhood Watch Community" in Pleasantville, NY. Performance dates: November 4th through November 21st. See link for more details.
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thom Bierdz (Phillip Chancellor III, The Young and The Restless) will talk about his recent public service announcement addressing young gay teens contemplating suicide, his book Forgiving Troy about his own struggles with family tragedy and dysfunction and how art can be used to heal.
Thom will be talking with OutTakes on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19TH at 10:00 PM EST. Call-in number: (347) 989-0605. The link where the radio show can be heard either live or with on-demand playback is here.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Cady McClain in NYC Reading

Cady McClain (Dixie, AMC and Rosanna, ATWT) will be in a reading of "Jonah Hex" for the Writers Guild of America on Monday, October 18th in NYC. Check link for more details.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
MISS BEHAVE Season Two Teaser

Looks like less fun and games and more drama for Tori (Jillian Clare) in the Season Two MISS BEHAVE teaser clip. At the end of Season One, Tori's father comes home right in time to catch his kids making out and partying in the mansion. Is it all going to come crashing down?
Go to Miss Behave TV to check it out! Season Two due to start in December.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
OUTTAKES at Deidre Hall NYC Book Signing

Promoting her book KITCHEN CLOSE-UP, Deidre Hall (ex-Marlena, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) was thrilled to see the crowds lined up for the book signing at the NBC Experience Store in Rockefeller Center, NYC. When I asked Deidre if we could look forward to seeing her in any new roles in the future, she said that it was possible...but that right now she was simply enjoying being at home, spending time with her family and living her life. Look for more pictures from the signing at the "OutTakes Interviews" Facebook Page in "Photos".
Friday, October 8, 2010
Television Review - HARRY LOVES LISA

Wednesday night was the premiere of HARRY LOVES LISA on 10 pm EST, TVLand. Will it be a smash hit? Probably not...but it will be fun while it lasts.
“I think Twitter is a problem for me," complains Lisa Rinna. "I can’t keep my mouth shut!” Everything she says is taken out of context and used against her...the price of celebrity. We get a taste of the annoying side of Hollywood as Lisa is hounded about her lips, plastic surgery and her tweets.
Harry Hamlin, quirky and intense, seemed to be unlikely as a stand-up comedian. We see how he fares when his agent sends him to do an act at a local comedy club.
While it is supposed to be reality TV, it does seem fairly scripted...although no doubt, it is based on the real lives of Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna. I've always had a soft spot for this couple so I enjoyed what I saw.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5th Book Signing at BORDERS (Columbus Circle) promoting Harry Hamlin’s autobiography, Full Frontal Nudity, and Lisa Rinna’s fictional novel, Starlit.
Let me start off that I’ve been to many book signings here in New York City...but I have yet to go to one with such intense media coverage. I’d almost swear that the number of photographers may have been equal to the amount of people who were simply showing up to the event to get their books signed. So a little bit of old-style Hollywood paparazzi seemed to have hit BORDERS last night.
Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna made an entrance in style. First, Lisa’s voice came out over the microphone announcing they were at the store, followed by Harry saying hello.
If you caught Lisa Rinna’s performance during the second season of Dancing With the Stars, you know that the lady is in great shape. She looked even more disgustingly perfect in person, wearing a white Narciso Rodrigez dress and a white leather fendi jacket (Thanks, Lisa, for that Twitter update, LOL!) along with a pair of beige shoes with neck-breaking high heels. Harry looked like he often does on television, wearing all black with a black leather jacket.
Unfortunately, Harry announced that their Belle Gray store in Truman Oaks had been robbed earlier in the morning; so the couple was obviously not too happy about that. Even so, they rose to the occasion with a fun Q&A before the book signing.
Here’s a recap of the Q&A done at the book signing:
Harry gave a great story regarding the coincidence of how his book and Lisa’s book came out at the same time. When he was married to actress Laura Johnson, he was on LA Law while she was on Falcon Crest. The shows aired at the same time on Friday nights. A little later on, LA Law was moved to Thursday nights while Laura got a new show called Heartbeat. And guess when that show aired? Thursday night. That marriage didn’t work out. Second wife Nicolette Sheridan comes along (well known as Edie of Desperate Housewives) who at that time was on Knots Landing. Yes, that show aired at the same time as LA Law. Later on, Harry left LA Law and was on another show called Movie Stars...which aired at the same time as Lisa Rinna’s Melrose Place. So now, they are going to be on the same show...Harry Loves Lisa...and Harry will no longer be plagued with a spouse's competive TV show!
Harry and Lisa had been too busy to read each other’s books so they had speedread them on the flight to NYC. Lisa loved reading about Harry’s life described in Full Frontal Nudity taking place before she had ever met him, finding out about all the dirty little secrets like how many times he was arrested. She summed up that “Harry is a good writer” and it was a “quick read”. Laughs abounded as Harry gave Lisa a ten-dollar bill for the review. He in turn described Lisa’s book as “juicy”.
Lisa admits that Starlit is “romantic fluff along the lines of Jackie Collins”. Urged by her publisher to write it, Lisa’s book is slightly autobiographical, talking about the life and times of a young actress who is trying to make it to the big time. And, yes, a lot of the characters are based on people she knows in real life...specifically, people from Harry’s past!
There was some discussion if Lisa’s store, Belle Gray, would ever make it to NYC. Do it! I could never afford to buy anything there but do it anyway!
Harry would love to do more Broadway but wants to spend time at home with his kids. The couple described their appearance in the Broadway version of Chicago as a "magical time" where they could act on stage as well as have their children stay with them in New York. "We really have a middle class life," Harry said. "No limos or mansions..." Harry Loves Lisa will pull the curtain back and show what they are really like in their home life.
When asked if she still kept in touch with her Days of Our Lives co-stars, Lisa said that "DAYS was the best training". While I have heard all kinds of rumors about Robert Kelker Kelly (the ex-Bo Brady who was not Peter Reckell) over the years, apparently the couple had to have security detail around because of him. Wow! Lisa still sees Peter Reckell (Bo), Kristian Alfonso (Hope), Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) and Deidre Hall (Marlena) from time to time. Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe) has been seen shopping a few times at Lisa's store, Belle Gray.
Harry enjoyed working on Veronica Mars. He revealed that Kristen Bell is pushing to make a movie from the series.
Harry loves Lisa will be premiering tonight (October 6th) on TVLand. Check your local TV listings for specific times. Be sure and tune in to learn more about this glamorous couple!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
What I Would Have Blogged
Suffering a bit of technical trouble this last week...but now all is fixed. Here's a rundown on what I would have blogged if I could:
James Reynolds (Abe, DAYS) directs "Top Dog/UnderDog" at Cape May Stage, NJ, running from September 29th through October 23rd. Link.
Yvonna Kopacz-Wright (Mel Boudreau, GL) has her first airdate on Blue Bloods on October 1st.
Jason Thompson (Patrick, GH), Carolyn Hennesy (Diane, GH) and Nathan Parsons (Ethan, GH) are in the play "The Busy World is Hushed" at Theatre 68. Link.
James Reynolds (Abe, DAYS) directs "Top Dog/UnderDog" at Cape May Stage, NJ, running from September 29th through October 23rd. Link.
Yvonna Kopacz-Wright (Mel Boudreau, GL) has her first airdate on Blue Bloods on October 1st.
Jason Thompson (Patrick, GH), Carolyn Hennesy (Diane, GH) and Nathan Parsons (Ethan, GH) are in the play "The Busy World is Hushed" at Theatre 68. Link.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Web Series Reviews - VENICE and THE BAY

VENICE - Season 2, Episodes 1 and 2: So far, so good. Crystal Chappell as "Gina" is very angsty as she tries to deal with her anger against her father ("The Colonel" played by Jordan Clarke) and her breakup with Ani (Jessica Leccia). The roles that Crystal Chappell, Galen Gering (Owen) and Nadia Bjorlin (Lara) play are so much more interesting than their DAYS OF OUR LIVES counterparts. A shout-out for Hilary B. Smith (Guya) and Gina Tognoni (Sami)for their great work. I'm wondering if Galen Gering is asking himself why he always seems to be a character who is going to bed with other characters named "Sami"...
THE BAY - Season 1, Episodes 2 and 3: More plot build-up with the Garretts. Honestly, I'm hoping to see the plot move a little faster since we already have the character build-up from the "Confessions". I also think there's no need for the repeating dialogue at the beginning of Episode 3. With ten minute episodes, that's just not necessary. The potential's good but I'm hoping for more build-up. Three cheers for Camden Toy who pretty much stole Episode 3 with his two lines of dialogue. More Igor...more Igor!!! Awaiting what's coming up next...
Monday, September 27, 2010

Tina Sloan (most famous for her role as "Lillian Raines" on Guiding Light) has been touring the country with her one-woman show, Changing Shoes, about one woman's search for the meaning of life in a closet full of shoes. Her book with the same title has just been released in bookstores this month talking about "Getting Older - NOT OLD - with Style, Humor, and Grace".
Tina will be talking with OutTakes on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH at 10:00 PM EST. Call-in number: (347) 989-0605. The link where the radio show can be heard either live or with on-demand playback is here.
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Matthew Ashford, best known for his role as "Jack Deveraux" on Days of Our Lives, speaks about his upcoming role as "Steve Jensen" on the webseries, The Bay. He also talks about the state of the entertainment industry and his various projects, including the release of the "Matt's Musings Month By Month" calendar for his favorite charity, Retinoblastoma International.
Previously recorded earlier this week, the interview will be broadcast on Blogtalkradio this Sunday, September 26th, at 10 PM EST.
Monday, September 20, 2010

LEANN HUNLEY (Anna Dimera, Days of Our Lives) and writer/director JENNIFER BROWN THOMAS talk about their upcoming independent film, Blissful Lies. Click on the link to hear this OutTakes podcast interview.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Editorial - As The World Stops Turning
As I listen to Tom Hughes reflect for the last time upon the citizens of Oakdale in the final episode of As The World Turns, I am very aware of what is being lost with the cancellation of this show. While I was not a long-term watcher of the show (too many soaps, too little time -- and before the days of the Internet, a VCR can only be programmed to tape so much!), I have learned enough to appreciate the fine acting of the cast, even having had the personal privilege of getting to interview cast members Colleen Zenk (Barbara), Eric Sheffer Stevens (Reid) and Anthony Herrera (James). I have learned enough to appreciate the highs and lows of the rich history of Oakdale. I have learned enough to appreciate that with every soap that we lose, one more piece is being chipped away from a television genre that means so much to many people. I have learned enough to appreciate how the networks are in a bind financially...but will another cheesy game show or generic morning talk show live in the collective memory for as long as shows like As The World Turns? Over the weekend, I've read criticisms of disappointment over the ending episode. Yet, in all fairness, how could the last episode of a show that has lasted since 1956 possibly live up to all of the expectations and memories? I wish the best for all the cast, crew and fans of this show. The "World" has stopped turning.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Lindsay Hartley going to ALL MY CHILDREN
Recently let go from Days of Our Lives, Lindsay Hartley (Arianna Hernandez, DAYS) will be joining All My Children as "Cara Finn". Her first airdate is December 8th.
ATWT actors at Broadway Cares Flea Market

The Broadway Cares Auction in NYC (September 26th) celebrity guest list has been updated. Many stars from stage and television, including the following actors from As The World Turns: OutTakes guest Colleen Zenk, Austin Peck and Terri Columbino.
Go to the link to find out more.
REGIME! Spin-off of THE BAY
The idea was discussed a little bit in last month's OutTakes interview with Nicolas Coster...and now it seems to be more of a reality as reported by Michael Fairman. Looks like THE BAY is in the works to have a spin-off.
On-Air On-Soaps spoke with creator/producer Gregori J. Martin yesterday and confirmed that indeed, a spin-off of his new web soap The Bay is in the works titled: Regime! And while Regime looks to focus on the character of the Mayor and the Mayor’s wife, Nicolas Coster (Ex-AW) and Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie, GH), there are an assortment of new characters and some crossovers from The Bay which will be included in the spin-off. Details of a start date or launch were unavailable at this time, but we heard rumblings that Regime may premiere early Winter 2011.
Joining Coster and Zeman in the cast of Regime are Lesli Kay (B&B), Alla Korot (Ex-AW), Nadine Stenovitch & John Littlefield (Ex-AW), Dan Gautthier (Ex-OLTL), Kate Linder (Y&R) with The Bay crossovers from Lane Davis (Ex-SB) and Real Andrews (Ex-GH).
On-Air On-Soaps spoke with creator/producer Gregori J. Martin yesterday and confirmed that indeed, a spin-off of his new web soap The Bay is in the works titled: Regime! And while Regime looks to focus on the character of the Mayor and the Mayor’s wife, Nicolas Coster (Ex-AW) and Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie, GH), there are an assortment of new characters and some crossovers from The Bay which will be included in the spin-off. Details of a start date or launch were unavailable at this time, but we heard rumblings that Regime may premiere early Winter 2011.
Joining Coster and Zeman in the cast of Regime are Lesli Kay (B&B), Alla Korot (Ex-AW), Nadine Stenovitch & John Littlefield (Ex-AW), Dan Gautthier (Ex-OLTL), Kate Linder (Y&R) with The Bay crossovers from Lane Davis (Ex-SB) and Real Andrews (Ex-GH).
Friday, September 17, 2010

Beloved for her roles as "Augusta Lockridge" on Santa Barbara and the deliciously evil "Vivian Alamain" on Days of Our Lives, Louise Sorel is one of the best character actresses on daytime, ranking #41 in WE LOVE SOAPS' poll of the 50 Greatest Soap Actresses of all time.
Come join us on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 at 10 PM EST. The call in number is 347-989-0605. Make sure to press 1 when the message prompts you to speak to host so that I know you have a question. You can also participate in the chatroom but to do so, you must register for an account with blogtalkradio.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Theater Review - THE REVIVAL

Project Y Theatre Company
Written by Samuel Brett Williams
Directed by Michole Biancosino
The Revival is definitely inspires thought about religious extremism. Set in Hot Springs, Arkansas, the play examines the turbulent inner turmoil and contradictions of a Harvard-educated son of a Southern Baptist preacher who returns to his Arkansas hometown to rebuild his father's congregation.
All the acting was top-notch. Raymond McAnally as Trevor, the church financial advisor, fluctates between being a “good old boy” and a shrewd businessman. Aidan Sullivan excels as the put-upon wife who out of jealousy and insecurity reveals her own dark side. David Darrow as Daniel, the violent down-and-out boy who is the catalyst for all the trouble. Surprisingly, the mixed bag for me was Trent Dawson as the main character of Brother Eli. Technically, he was excellent with great line delivery and comic timing, but there could have been a tad more emotional depth in his performance...particularly near the end of the play.
Another weakness was the relationship between Brother Eli and Daniel. While the chemistry between the two men should have been explosive enough to justify all future risk and damage to Eli and his family, these characters came together too conveniently with no sense of the strong attraction alluded to in the dialogue. This passion is necessary in order to explain all the ugliness that comes out of the four characters in the end.
The set of the wooden church had a gothic feel, complete with a large cross hanging in front of a choir who occasionally sings before and during the show. The theater space and church blend together well during the sermon scenes when planted actors in the audience speak up as members of the congregation. All the spectacle needed to create a successful “megachurch” was beautifully evoked.
With a disturbing violent conclusion, the extremes that the characters went to in order to maintain the spiritual status quo created tragedy and horror, evoking memories of other such dramas as The Crucible and The Wicker Man. All in all, I give it four out of five stars.
Click on the link for more info about the play.
Web Series Review - Premiere Episode of THE BAY
Overall, I was very impressed with the first webisode which takes place at Brian's engagement party. The visuals were great. There was always something interesting to watch which is important with a web series. When you have less than ten minutes, every moment should count. The title sequence was fun but a bit too long to do consistently for every show.
Mary Beth Evans is fascinating to watch as Drama Queen Sara Garrett. I'm hearing and seeing shades of her character, Katherine, from General Hospital. The showdown with Martha Madison (Marly) was terrific; and I want more of what's going on with Lex (Tristan Rogers) and Sara. We also see the various subplots of Mac and Christine and the love triange of Vivian, Pete and Lianna.
Mary Beth Evans is fascinating to watch as Drama Queen Sara Garrett. I'm hearing and seeing shades of her character, Katherine, from General Hospital. The showdown with Martha Madison (Marly) was terrific; and I want more of what's going on with Lex (Tristan Rogers) and Sara. We also see the various subplots of Mac and Christine and the love triange of Vivian, Pete and Lianna.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
THE BAY - Confessions of the Garretts, part 6

In the final confession, Sara Garrett (Mary Beth Evans) tells that she succeeded with her plan to break up Lee and Janice (Lilly Melgar) through faking the kidnapping of daughter Marly (Martha Madison). After remarrying Lee, Arturo Tonelli (Matthew Borlenghi) showed up with long lost son, Pete, who Sara didn't remember. That being the last straw, Lee and Sara divorced once more...leading to an affair with...guess who? That's right. Lex Martin (Tristan Rogers). As it now stands, Sara regrets the craziness of her life and hurting the people that she loves.
Latest breaking BAY news: Andrea Evans has now been cast in the web series.
Tune in today (Wednesday, September 15th) for the premiere episode of THE BAY!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010

JERRY DOUGLAS (John Abbott, The Young and The Restless) will be talking about his music career, his CD (The Best is Yet to Come) and some upcoming appearances coming up both in concert and as a "ghost" on Y&R. Join us on Thursday, September 16th at 10:00 PM EST. The blogtalkradio show is at this link. Call in number: 1-347-989-0605.
On September 26th, Jerry will be performing at Scott Baio's 50th birthday red carpet charity event hosted by the Bailey Baio Angel Foundation at the Beverly Garland Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. Along with Jerry, entertainment includes Adam Hunter from Last Comic Standing and the launch of the Bailey Baio Angel Foundation dress from Ooh La La Couture. The evening's host is Kym Douglas, Health and Beauty Correspondent for Ellen and Good Day LA, Along with a Silent Auction held throughout the evening. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Bailey Baio Angel Foundation. The Bailey Baio Angel Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, is dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by an Organic Acidemia and promoting Comprehensive Newborn Screening. To attend, please check out the info at this link.
Web Series Review - MISS BEHAVE Season One Finale
The big cliffhanger is if Tori and Billy are going to get caught making out by their prodigal dad who unexpectedly got his flight canceled. Sorry but this would be like a filler plot on a regular soap for a Tuesday when all the veteran actors are taking the day off. Like I said the potential is there for good things...but I think even for a teen show, the stakes need to be a lot higher...especially for the end of a season. Just not a nailbiter for me.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Trent Dawson in THE REVIVAL

Trent Dawson (Henry, As The World Turns) starring in The Revival with Project Y Theatre. Previews start on September 9th. More info at this link.
A World Premiere by Samuel Brett Williams
Directed by Michole Biancosino
A Harvard educated son of a Southern Baptist preacher returns to his Arkansas hometown to rebuild his father’s congregation. Under pressure to grow the congregation to compete with neighboring mega-Churches, the young Pastor seizes an opportunity to cleanse a mysterious stranger of his homosexuality, becoming an overnight evangelical superstar. But at what cost?
September 9th – 25th, 2010
The Lion Theatre at Theatre Row Studios
410 West 42nd Street
NYC NY 10036
Full Performance Schedule:
Thursday Sept 9th at 8:00.
Friday Sept 10th at 8:00
Saturday Sept 11th at 8:00
Sunday Sept 12th at 3:00
Tuesday Sept 14th at 7:00
Wednesday Sept 15th at 8:00
Thursday Sept 16th at 8:00
Friday Sept 17th at 8:00
Saturday Sept 18th at 2:00 and 8:00
Sunday Sept 19th at 3:00
Tuesday Sept 21st at 7:00
Thursday Sept 23rd at 8:00
Friday Sept 24th at 8:00
Saturday Sept 25th at 2:00 and 8:00
Broadway Cares 2010 Flea Market Celebrity Guests

This year, the Broadway Cares 2010 Flea Market takes place on Sunday, September 26th, 10:00AM - 7:00PM, Shubert Alley and W. 44th Street. Check out the link and click on "Celebrity Table 2010" for the list of celebrities from stage and television that will take part in the event, including OutTakes guest Colleen Zenk.
THE BAY - Confessions of the Garretts, part 5

The fifth "confession" is with Peter Garrett (Kristos Andrews -- pictured above with co-star Jade Harlow). Raised by a foster mom who eventually killed herself and her husband, Peter reunited with Sara (Mary Beth Evans), his real mom, when she got her memory back and claimed custody. Although close with siblings Marly (Martha Madison) and Bryan (Dylan Bruce), Peter is not close with his biological father, Arturo Tonelli (Matthew Borlenghi). Vivian Johnson (Tanisha Lynn) used to date Peter back in the day. Now Peter hangs out with "crazy" Lianna Ramos (Jade Harlow). Hobbies of choice? Sex, parties and drugs! You got all that? Good!
Check out Confession #5 at the link.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Port Chuck takes off on 2010 Tour

Port Chuck (Steve Burton, Scott Reeves, Brandon Barash and Brandon Anderson, GH) start their 2010 tour! Here's the info.
September 8th - Nashville, TN - Zanies Comedy Club; General Admission Added (show and Q&A only); Call 615-269-0221
September 9th - Vernon Hills, IL - Zanies Comedy Club; Reduced Prices and General Admission Added (show and Q&A only); Call 847-549-6030
September 10th - Newtown, CT - Treehouse@Edmond Town Hall; Call 203-268-5857
September 11th - Levittown, NY - Governor's Comedy Club; Reduced Prices and General Admission Added (show and Q&A only); Call 516-731-3358
September 12th - Staten Island, NY - Uncle Vinny's at the Lane Theatre; Reduced Prices & General Admission Added (show and Q&A only); Call 877-862-5384
Divas of Daytime's mvid IT'S RAINING MEN

Check out the Divas of Daytime (Kassie de Paiva, Bobbie Eakes and Kathy Brier) with their remix mvid of "It's Raining Men" -- a homage to the sexy actors of the ABC soaps.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Mark Pinter opening weekend of BECKY'S NEW CAR

Mark Pinter (Roger Smythe, AMC; Grant Harrison, AW) stars in Becky's New Car, opening at North Coast Rep from September 4th through the 26th.
See BroadwayWorld link for more details.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Vincent Irizarry out at AMC

Old news by now...but it seems that "David Hayward" will be killed off on All My Children. While the character of David has been way too much of a moustache twirler with not much depth to him, I was always hoping that eventually there would be more to this character. Vincent Irizarry is an excellent actor and a respected soap opera veteran, one of the bright spots for me when watching AMC. I hope he moves on to bigger and better opportunities.
THE BAY reached Kickstarter Goal
THE BAY'S Kickstarter project has surpassed its goal of $15,000 in order to fund a special final episode for Season One. Different contests and incentives involving various cast members also helped to boost the funds in order to make the deadline. Congrats to Gregori J. Martin along with the cast and crew of THE BAY!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Anthony Herrera's portrayal of "James Stenbeck" on As The World Turns is a classic example of the never-dying villain that "you love to hate". After decades of tormenting the residents of Oakdale, the character has not been forgotten. Even during the final airing episodes of the soap from last week, various characters believed they saw a vision of James Stenbeck on Barbara and Henry's wedding day. On a personal level, Anthony Herrera made medical history as one of the first cancer patients to go into remission after having stem cell transplants. We'll be talking about his book The Cancer War, his work in support of stem cell research, the final days of As The World Turns and Poetry Theatre.
The radio show is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7th, at 10 PM EST. Call-in number is 1-347-989-0605. If registered with Blogtalkradio, you may also participate in the chatroom. Go here for the OutTakes link for this show on Blogtalkradio.
Florencia Lozano's UNDERMYBED opens in NYC

underneathmybed written by Florencia Lozano (Tea, One Life To Live) opens tonight at the Rattlestick Playwrights Theater in NYC.
Check link for further details.
Web Series Review - MISS BEHAVE, pts. 4 thru 11

Realizing that I lapsed way behind on watching the Miss Behave episodes (too many web series, soaps, primetime shows, movie and theater...too little time!), I managed to watch 8 episodes in about an hour's time. So far, I'm loving the music and the actors. My complaint is that the plot points seem kind of obvious and the build-up is slow. I was hoping for a little bit more excitement, but this series seems to be catering mainly to the teenage crowd so far unless some serious twists start to show up. Maybe Tori will have gotten pregnant the night of the wild party. Maybe Mr. Owens will stop being another Max Brady imitation, this time in drama teacher mode. Maybe Patrika Darbo will actually get to show her comic skills as the psychiatrist, Dr. Freed. There's potential for the series to really take off if some real action starts to happen. At the moment though, I feel like I'm watching a John Hughes (director of teen classics such as Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Breakfast Club) movie set in 2010 without the hysterical comedy.
THE BAY - Confessions of the Garretts, pt. 4

This time, Marly Garrett Nelson-Foster (Martha Madison) is the "confessor". Throughout, she makes it clear that she is Daddy's Little Girl and has a stormy relationship with her mother, Sara (Mary Beth Evans). As part of Sara's scheming, Marly endured a faked kidnapping as a child as well as a manipulated break-up with the love of her life, Tony (Gavin Houston).
Go to the link to see Confession #4 on bliptv.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Matt Ashford signs on as BAY producer

Every other day, there seems to be more news to report about THE BAY web series which has just recently signed on to air on television with several different countries before it has even premiered.
As per Matt Ashford's FB page:
"I wish to let you know that I have agreed to join the producing team of "the Bay"
Along with Marybeth, Tristan, Martha, Charley, Gregori and all of his producing team I hope to contribute to this series from behind the scenes as well as in front of the camera.This is an exciting new development for me and I hope it wil...l be for you as well! Please standby for up coming announcements from me- thank you- Matt"
Monday, August 30, 2010
Dancing With The Stars Line-Up for Season 11

Guess my source for Jack Wagner was full of it, LOL! Anyway, a lot of people are kvetching about the line-up...but I don't think it's any worse than normal. Since I'm a child of the 80s, I like Michael Bolton, Jennifer Grey and David Hasselhoff. Last season was so lackluster that I never even watched the finale. Guess I should go ahead and do that.
Michael Bolton: Singer
Margaret Cho: Comedian
Rick Fox: Former NBA pro (Los Angeles Lakers)
Jennifer Grey: Dirty Dancing
David Hasselhoff: Actor/Singer
Florence Henderson: The Brady Bunch
Kyle Massey: Corey In The House
Brandy Norwood: Singer/Actress
Bristol Palin: Daughter of ex-Gov. of Alaska Sarah Palin
Audrina Patridge: The Hills
Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino: The Jersey Shore
Kurt Warner: Former NFL pro (Arizona Cardinals)
More good news for THE BAY!!!
From Gregori J. Martin's FB page:
"Well folks,
You heard it from me first! As it seems, my new series THE BAY The Series (2010) has been approved for broadcast television in 19 countries in Europe, including the UK, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden, and more! An iPhone App will be available shortly of "Confessions" and the upcoming episodes, premiering Sept 15th. We are also in talks for an additional television distribution deal that can put us in over 25 millions homes throughout the US. Keep in mind that THE BAY The Series will always be available as a web series online as well.
We still have several more episodes to produce. Please help by making your pledge via our kickstarter campaign at the link below, and be a part of "television" history! Only 6 days to go and over $4,000 needed to reach our goal;) We can do this folks!
On behalf of Lanyfilms Prod thank you as always for your continued support!"
"Well folks,
You heard it from me first! As it seems, my new series THE BAY The Series (2010) has been approved for broadcast television in 19 countries in Europe, including the UK, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden, and more! An iPhone App will be available shortly of "Confessions" and the upcoming episodes, premiering Sept 15th. We are also in talks for an additional television distribution deal that can put us in over 25 millions homes throughout the US. Keep in mind that THE BAY The Series will always be available as a web series online as well.
We still have several more episodes to produce. Please help by making your pledge via our kickstarter campaign at the link below, and be a part of "television" history! Only 6 days to go and over $4,000 needed to reach our goal;) We can do this folks!
On behalf of Lanyfilms Prod thank you as always for your continued support!"
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Roger Howarth to return to OLTL!

( -- It was only a matter of time before speculation began about the the possibility of Roger Howarth returning to his "One Life to Live" roots soon after word broke late last year that CBS' "As The World Turns" would be ending its 54-year run on television. Now nine months later, Soap Opera Network has learned exclusively that Howarth will indeed be returning to the ABC soap in the near future.
"You thought the tease a couple weeks back with Tea proclaiming this isn’t Todd as she pointed to a picture of Roger Howarth was not the start of something bigger? Think again," says a setside source.
Speaking of Tea [Delgado], rumors have been running rampant that portrayer Florencia Lozano is out now that her character looks to be on death's door. When pressed for comment, an ABC spokesperson would only say "tune in tomorrow for Tea's fate."
A first airdate for Howarth has not been set, but we've been told to expect him on screen as early as December or January. But what does news of Howarth's return mean for Trevor St. John? It wouldn't be much of a stretch for the actor to have been playing an impostor after all this time as he originally joined the cast in May 2003 in the role of Walker Laurence, only to be revealed to be Todd Manning albeit with plastic surgery in August of that same year. We've been assured, however, that the actor's job is not in any danger.
Earlier this week there was a big deal made out of a "One Life to Live" cast meeting, which took place earlier today at the shows Manhattan studio. Could Howarth's return have been on the agenda at the big meeting? Will he be the real Todd Manning or will "One Life to Live" pull a "General Hospital" and have Howarth return as a new character leaving St. John in the role of Todd ala how "GH" handled the return of Sarah Joy Brown, who originated the role of Carly Corinthos only to find Laura Wright occupying the role? Stay tuned to find out.
"One Life to Live" airs Weekdays on ABC. Anytime on"
My comments: I'm so excited about this news, provided OLTL doesn't mess it up. I don't even care who's the real Todd and who's the long as both Trevor St. John and Roger Howarth stay mean and sexy (...and it would be nice if Howarth would grow the long biker hair back)! My question is (provided Tea doesn't really die -- I think Greg's poisoning her by Eli's order) which Todd will Blair end up...and which Todd will Tea end up with? This could be a great plot twist to raise OLTL out of the danger zone. It could be a bomb storyline that will sign their death warrant. Tune in for tomorrow!
Brandon Buddy out at OLTL

Old news as of this posting, but Brandon Buddy (Cole) is being let go from One Life To Live. I really wasn't feeling the whole thing with Starr and Cole anyway, but at least I knew Cole when he was on the screen. Is it just me or is it hard to tell Ford and all of his siblings apart until I hear the dialogue?
The big meeting of the OLTL set was today, but I haven't heard anything about cancellation yet; so no news is good news.
Jack Wagner on DWTS!
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