OUTTAKES - reviews, articles and interviews of various actors in the entertainment industry.
Monday, December 17, 2012
CRAIG WALLACE joins OutTakes to discuss his Wallace Audition Technique classes as well as his book, The Best of You -- Winning Auditions Your Way. Craig has coached hundreds of highly successful actors, including Dale Raoul (True Blood,The Office), Kaitlyn Jenkins (Bunheads), Adam Mayfield (All My Children) and Steven Schub (CBGB, The Chicago Eight). He was also voted Favorite Audition Teacher in the "Backstage" 2010 Readers Choice Poll.
Craig's interview will air on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19TH at 3 PM EST and is located at the following link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/12/19/craig-wallace . The show is also available for on-demand playback, download and iTunes. Pre-recorded.
Visit the Wallace Audition Technique website at http://www.wallaceauditiontechnique.com/index.html
If you like these OutTakes Interviews, friend me at "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook and follow me at "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Bill and Susan Hayes discuss their historical fiction novel, Trumpet, as well as their roles as "Doug and Julie" on Days of Our Lives. The interview first airs on DECEMBER 14, 2012 at 11 AM ET. Co-hosted with Tammy Weston.
Trumpet can be ordered at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Trumpet-ebook/dp/B007OWO184/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1355187834&sr=8-1
Also, at Barnes and Noble:
Plus, check out their website:
Greg Vaughan (Eric, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) discusses his new role and storyline on the soap opera as well as his acting career. Soap fans will remember Greg as "Diego" on THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS and "Lucky" on GENERAL HOSPITAL. Approx 10 min, pre-recorded.
Friday, December 7, 2012
CHRISTIAN LEBLANC (Michael, The Young and the Restless) and ERIC MARTSOLF (Brady, Days of Our Lives) join OutTakes to talk about their upcoming appearance on December 13th in Santa-Thon 2012.
The interview airs on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7TH at 9 PM PT and is located at the following link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/12/08/christian-leblanc-and-eric-martsolf-12712 . The show is also available for on-demand playback, download and iTunes. Pre-recorded.
Santa-thon 2012, hosted by Fred Willard, featuring Special Celebrity Guests is coming to Acme Theater Hollywood, Dec 12 & 13, 8pm!
-Christian Le Blanc (The Young and the Restless / Dec 13 only),
-Eric Martsolf (Days of our Lives / Dec 13 only)
The Lampshades - Kate Flannery (NBC's The Office) and Scot Robinson (Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy),
Jo Anne Worley (Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In / Dec 13 only),
Ted Lange (The Love Boat / Dec 12 only), Jerry Minor (Community, Brickleberry), Edd Hall (The Tonight Show),
Todd Sherry and Heather Olt (Todd and Heather’s Christmas Cheer),
Judy Nazemetz (The Tonight Show),
plus some extra special surprise guests!
Ted Lange (The Love Boat / Dec 12 only), Jerry Minor (Community, Brickleberry), Edd Hall (The Tonight Show),
Todd Sherry and Heather Olt (Todd and Heather’s Christmas Cheer),
Judy Nazemetz (The Tonight Show),
plus some extra special surprise guests!
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SantaThon2012
Santa desperately needs money to pay off the Chinese for the toys they manufactured for him. No money, no toys, and Santa won’t be able to deliver them to all the good little girls and boys.
Luckily, Fred Willard comes to the rescue by holding a celebrity-studded telethon to raise enough money for Santa, so there'll be a Christmas this year.
TICKETS: (Please note: Christian and Eric will be appearing in the December 13th show ONLY)
Santa desperately needs money to pay off the Chinese for the toys they manufactured for him. No money, no toys, and Santa won’t be able to deliver them to all the good little girls and boys.
Luckily, Fred Willard comes to the rescue by holding a celebrity-studded telethon to raise enough money for Santa, so there'll be a Christmas this year.
TICKETS: (Please note: Christian and Eric will be appearing in the December 13th show ONLY)
Wednesday, December 12th: http://www.laughstub.com/buyTicket.cfm?showTimingID=203900&buy
Thursday, December 13th: http://www.laughstub.com/buyTicket.cfm?showTimingID=203901&buy
$15 for advance ticket without dinner discount.
$17 for advance ticket plus 20% Amalfi dinner discount (before or after the show).
DOOR TICKETS (dinner discount not available at door):
$20 at the door.
EVERY TICKET (advance and door) INCLUDES $1 OFF A BEVERAGE (optional; no drink minimum).
Thursday, December 13th: http://www.laughstub.com/buyTicket.cfm?showTimingID=203901&buy
$15 for advance ticket without dinner discount.
$17 for advance ticket plus 20% Amalfi dinner discount (before or after the show).
DOOR TICKETS (dinner discount not available at door):
$20 at the door.
EVERY TICKET (advance and door) INCLUDES $1 OFF A BEVERAGE (optional; no drink minimum).
If you like these OutTakes Interviews, friend me at "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook and follow me at "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
VICTOR ALFIERI (previously on The Bold and the Beautiful, Days of Our Lives and Southland) joins OutTakes to talk about his guest star appearance on Hollywood Dream Role at ACME Comedy Hollywood as well as his career in film and television. Victor will be appearing at ACME on November 17th at 10:30 PM PT (ACME Comedy Hollywood, 135 N. La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles). For studio audience tickets and live broadcast details, visit www.HollywoodDreamRole.com
Victor's interview will air on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH at 3 PM EST and is located at the following link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/11/13/victor-alfieri . The show is also available for on-demand playback, download and iTunes. Pre-recorded.
If you like these OutTakes Interviews, friend me at "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook and follow me at "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Deidre Hall (Marlena, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) and business partner Lynne Bowman talk about their friendship and collaboration with "Bowman Hall" -- and share their tips about beauty, nutrition and much more. To find out more information about products -- including "Deidre Cosmetics", "Kitchen Closeup", "How Does She Do It?" -- as well as their upcoming expo appearances -- visit www.bowmanhall.com and deidrehall.com. Interviewed by Tammy Weston.
Interview link at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/11/02/deidre-hall-and-lynne-bowman
Friday, October 19, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Excuse Me For Living - Movie Review
If you are at all homesick for As The World Turns or One Life to Live, the recent release of Excuse Me For Living (directed and written by Ric Klass) may just be what the doctor ordered. Tom Pelphrey (Jonathan Randall, Guiding Light; Mick Dante, ATWT), Melissa Archer (Natalie Banks, OLTL), Ewa Da Cruz (Vienna, ATWT), David A. Gregory (Robert Ford, OLTL), Tonja Walker (Marie Green, GL; Grace Nancier, Passions; Alex Olanov, OLTL), James McCaffrey (Charlie Spangler, ATWT) and Shenaz Treasury (Rama Patel, OLTL) are all part of the cast. Add to the mix a collection of legendary character actors: Christopher Lloyd, Robert Vaughn, Wayne Knight, Dick Cavett and Jerry Stiller -- and you have a wacky and off-beat romantic comedy that is a lot of fun...and surprisingly moving in unexpected moments.
(Tom Pelphrey and Melissa Archer, pictured above)
First of all, is there anything that Tom Pelphrey can't do as an actor and knock completely out of the ballpark? As rich and suicidal drug addict Dan Topler, Pelphrey plays the role with gusto, proving what many daytime viewers already know: he is simply brilliant. Along with the quirkiness that he seems to excel at, there is also a beautiful vulnerability that would creep up, particularly in the scenes with Robert Vaughn (pictured below as Dr. Jacob Bernstein). Classic film and television lovers will remember Robert Vaughn from The Young Philadelphians, The Magnificent Seven and The Man From U.N.C.L.E., just to name a few of his many credits.
After a suicide attempt on the George Washington Bridge, Dan ends up in an upscale rehabilitation clinic and treated by Dr. Bernstein. Along the way, Dan falls for Dr. Bernstein's daughter, Laura (played by Melissa Archer). Laura is a sweet girl who also has a bit of a wild side -- not that far away from the character of "Natalie" from OLTL. On Dan's journey, we meet Dan's father (Wayne Knight), the mistress of Dan's father (played by the effervescent and scene-stealing Tonja Walker), playboy and drug pusher Bruce (David A. Gregory), crackpot Lars (Christopher Lloyd) and the older men of Dr. Bernstein's support group -- including Morty (Jerry Stiller) and Barry (James McCaffrey).
While Excuse Me For Living is focused on Dan's recovery and redemption, there is also a very moving subplot involving Charlie (Ewa Da Cruz), the barracuda/femme fatale attorney handling the divorce of Dan's parents. When Charlie meets Barry, an older man who was friends with her father -- she reexamines her life and changes priorities, but not before she makes devastating mistakes along the way. This movie particularly showcased the talents of actress Ewa Da Cruz, accentuating her beauty, comic skills and pathos.
(Ewa Da Cruz and James McCaffrey, pictured below)
For the most part, the movie was enjoyable, although sometimes the tone of it was inconsistent. There were crazy over-the-top moments that didn't mesh with the rest of the film -- like when Dan gets decked by a police officer early on in the film for no apparent reason; and in other sections, the dialogue seemed to be so bogged down with pseudo-intellectual references that it didn't even make sense. However, the pros outweighed the cons. I left the theater with a smile.
For information about seeing the movie in limited release along with nationwide cable TV on-demand viewing, iTunes and other major platforms, visit http://www.excusemeforliving.net/
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
CHRISTIAN LEBLANC joins OutTakes to discuss his upcoming charity events, his music video, Venice, The Grove and his role of "Michael Baldwin" on The Young and the Restless.
October 13th at 1 PM; Colorado Springs Women's Living Expo. For more information, go to www.womenslivingexpo.com
November 3rd at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans at "Soap This". For reservations and info, call Patti at 727-253-8627 or visit the website at http://www.soapthis.com/.
November 9th to 11th; Soapfest Charity Weekend at http://www.soapfest.com/
If you like these OutTakes Interviews, like the OutTakes Facebook page at OutTakes on Blogtalkradio and follow me at "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Eric Martsolf ("Brady Black" from Days of Our Lives) talks about his upcoming role in the new improvised soap opera from ACME Comedy, Scandal Crest.
Scandal Crest also stars Molly Burnett, Diana Costa, Sean Kanan, Dan Kane, Freddie Smith, Jen Parker, Dwayne Perkins and Dale Raoul. The show is live at 9 PM, ACME Comedy Hollywood, 135 N. LaBrea Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90036. Studio audience tickets are available at http://www.laughstub.com/buyTicket.cfm?showTimingID=188146 Watch online at http://www.scandalcrest.com/ 9 PM Pacific, 12 AM ET.
Eric's interview will first air at 11 AM ET on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th and will be available at the following link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/10/05/eric-martsolf-1 The show is also available for on-line demand playback, download and iTunes. Pre-recorded.
If you like these OutTakes Interviews, friend me at "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook and follow me at "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Thaao Penghlis to play "Haman" in Queen Esther Indie Film
Thaao Penghlis (ex-Tony/Andre, Days of Our Lives) will be playing the role of epic villain "Haman" in an upcoming film about Queen Esther, slated to begin filming next month. Thaao will be sporting a different look for the role, complete with long beard and hair. "This will be one of the best roles I've done since Andre," he stated. "This is one of my favorite times of history; and I often feel more in character working in costume."
If you need to brush up on your biblical history, read up on the history of the biblical villain, Haman (pictured below) at the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haman_(Bible)
Also, to hear more about Thaao's travels and upcoming book, be sure to listen to his recent interview with OutTakes on Blogtalkradio.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Freddie Smith ("Sonny Kiriakis" from Days of Our Lives) talks about his upcoming role in the new improvised soap opera from ACME Comedy, Scandal Crest.
Scandal Crest also stars Krista Allen, Molly Burnett, Diana Costa, Sean Kanan, Dan Kane, Eric Martsolf, Jen Parker, Dwayne Perkins and Dale Raoul. The show is live at 9 PM, ACME Comedy Hollywood, 135 N. LaBrea Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90036. Studio audience tickets are available at http://www.laughstub.com/buyTicket.cfm?showTimingID=188146 Watch online at http://www.scandalcrest.com/ 9 PM Pacific, 12 AM ET.
Freddie's interview will first air at 11 AM ET on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH and will be available at the following link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/09/20/freddie-smith-92012 The show is also available for on-line demand playback, download and iTunes. Pre-recorded.
If you like these OutTakes Interviews, friend me at "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook and follow me at "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
THAAO PENGHLIS joins OutTakes to discuss his journeys around the world and to read an exclusive excerpt from his upcoming book, Stepping Into the Light. Nominated in 2008 for a Daytime Emmy as Outstanding Lead Actor, Thaao portrayed "Tony Dimera" and "Andre Dimera" on Days of Our Lives. Primetime viewers will also remember him as "Nicholas Black" on the 1988 Mission Impossible series, recently released on DVD. Follow Thaao on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ThaaoPenghlis and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/thaao.penghlis. Also, "like" his official FB page at https://www.facebook.com/TeamThaao.
Monday, August 20, 2012
JED ALLAN joins OutTakes to discuss his career in television, including his roles as "Don Craig" on Days of Our Lives and "CC Capwell" on Santa Barbara. He also authored his autobiography in 2004 titled "Please Spell the Name Right". Interviewed by Tammy McKinley Weston.
Monday, August 13, 2012
KRISTA ALLEN joins OutTakes to discuss her role on the CW series, The LA Complex. Among Krista's many other credits are the television series Days of Our Lives, Baywatch Hawaii, and What About Brian; and the Hollywood films Liar Liar, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Anger Management and Final Destination 4. Catch The LA Complex on the CW Network on Tuesday nights, 9/8 c. Follow Krista on Twitter at https://twitter.com/kristaallenxo and read up on her IMDB page at www.imdb.me/kristaallen
Thursday, August 9, 2012
JADE HARLOW ("Lianna Ramos" from The Bay) talks about her role and experience on the internet soap...as well as about the upcoming summer series, The Dark Side of the Bay. Episodes can be seen at http://www.thebaytheseries.com
Jade's interview can be found at this link:
The Indie GoGo Campaign for Season 3 of THE BAY can be found at: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/150576?a=155304
New items including the 'Boys of The Bay' can be found in THE BAY's Cafepress Store here: http://www.cafepress.com/thebaystore
Monday, July 16, 2012
Bill and Susan Hayes' TRUMPET book tour
Bill and Susan Seaforth Hayes (Doug and Julie, DAYS OF OUR LIVES) will be on the following book tour to promote their new book, TRUMPET. Meet this terrific couple and support their book!
Wednesday – July 18th – 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Barnes & Noble
The Grove at Farmers Market
189 Grove Drive Suite K-30
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Wednesday – July 25th – 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Horizon Books
243 E. Front Street
Traverse City, MI 49684
Tuesday – July 31st – 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Anderson’s Bookshop
123 W. Jefferson Avenue
Naperville, IL 60540
Thursday – August 2nd – 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Left Bank Books
399 N. Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63108
Friday – August 3rd – 4:00pm to 6:00pm
The Firefly Grill
1810 Avenue of Mid-America
Effingham, IL 62401
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
John de Lancie (best known for his roles as "Q" on Star Trek, "Frank Simmons" on Stargate SG-1 and "Eugene Bradford" on Days of Our Lives) talks about his voiceover work as "Discord" on the My Little Ponyseries; and how this has led to his involvement with a documentary about "bronies", the growing fan phenomeon of adult fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He also discusses Alien Voices productions, a series of classic science fiction audio dramas which he produces with Leonard Nimoy; as well as his upcoming narration work for a new orchestral arrangement based on Dr. Seuss' story, The Sneetches.
Interview available for on-demand listening at the link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/07/10/john-de-lancie
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
MATTHEW ASHFORD (Jack, Days of Our Lives) talks about the Daytime Emmy Awards and his nomination for Best Supporting Actor, Jack's PTSD storyline, the couple of Jack and Jennifer, The Bay and what's coming up for him next.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Team Thaao Official Facebook Page
Do you miss seeing Thaao Penghlis play the suave and debonair "Tony Dimera" on Days of Our Lives? Do you miss him playing the evil "Andre Dimera" on Days of Our Lives? Were you a Mission Impossible junkie during the 80s? Now you can get your Thaao fix at his new Official Facebook page, Team Thaao. Featured at the top of the page is a preview chapter from Thaao's upcoming book, Stepping Into The Light; along with current news such as his recent appearance at the Los Angeles Greek Film Festival. There will also be daily videos, Twitter updates, campaign news and more.
Like the Official Team Thaao FB page at www.facebook.com/TeamThaao
Follow the Team Thaao Twitter account at https://twitter.com/#!/TeamThaao
And if that isn't enough Thaao for you, join Team Thaao - The Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/109897499090891/
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Counterpoint: An Interactive Family Saga
Alina Adams (author of Soap Opera 451) has written a new novel, COUNTERPOINT, An Interactive Family Saga, available through Amazon at the following link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007WMC3BI/ref=as_li_tf_til?tag=alinaadamscom-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=B007WMC3BI&adid=0KEP1Y7M8P986G8RNFDS&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.anotherworldtoday.com%2Fawt_all.html
From Alina Adams, "New York Times" best-selling author of "Oakdale Confidential," "Jonathan's Story," "When a Man Loves a Woman," "Annie's Wild Ride" and the Figure Skating Mystery series, comes "Counterpoint: An Interactive Family Saga," where readers are invited to help write the story!
When Victoria Morgan agreed to come work for the mysterious Cooper family, she never expected their long-hidden secrets to bleed over into her own - or to fall in love with Douglas Cooper's playboy son, Robin.
A development Robin's wife, Nicole, has no intention of accepting gracefully - even if it means destroying the only person who ever gave a damn about her... and everyone he cares about, as well.
2010 SCRIBE Award Winner Adams (for "The Man From Oakdale") begins her tale of passion, intrigue, and deceit with Volume #1 of "Counterpoint," then turns it over to her readers to guide where they want to see the tale go next.
A new volume of "Counterpoint" will be released monthly, written by Adams... and you.
In addition to four romance novels ("The Fictitious Marquis", "Thieves at Heart," "Annie's Wild Ride," "When a Man Loves a Woman"), five figure skating mysteries ("Murder on Ice," "On Thin Ice," "Axel of Evil," "Death Drop," "Skate Crime") and three books of non-fiction, Alina Adams scripted "Pure Soap" for E! Entertainment, "Loving/The City" transitions for ABC Daytime, and worked as a researcher for the Daytime Emmy Awards from 1996 to 2006. At TeleNext Media, she wrote the "As The World Turns"' tie-ins, "Oakdale Confidential" and "The Man From Oakdale," and co-wrote the "Guiding Light" tie-in, "Jonathan's Story." As Creative Content Producer, she pioneered the first ever on-line continuation of a soap opera with http://www.AnotherWorldToday.com, and followed up with the GL sequel, Mindy's Twitter.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
TERRI IVENS joins OutTakes to talk about her career in film and television, including her latest projects -- Piranhaconda (airing June 16th), Untold, Chicks Dig Gay Guys and The Bay. Daytime fans will remember Terri as "Simone Torres" from All My Children.
Friday, May 18, 2012
CHARLES SHAUGHNESSY returns to OutTakes to talk about his return to Days of Our Lives as "Shane Donovan". He also portrays "Capt. Elliot Sanders" on The Bay at www.TheBayTheSeries.com . Primetime fans will remember him as "Maxwell Sheffield" on The Nanny. 11 minutes. Pre-recorded.
Interview available at the link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/05/18/charles-shaughnessy-51812
Friday, May 11, 2012
SCOTT BAILEY joins OutTakes to talk about his role as "Nathan Perkins" on the Daytime Emmy-nominated internet series, The Bay. Soap fans will also remember Scott's portrayal of "Sandy Foster" on Guiding Light. Check out the episodes of The Bay at www.TheBayTheSeries.com Pre-recorded.
Interview available at the link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/05/11/scott-bailey
Thursday, May 10, 2012
DALE RAOUL joins OutTakes to talk about her career in film and television, including her role as "Maxine Fortenberry" on the HBO hit vampire series, True Blood. Pre-recorded. Photo by Handel and Tesoro.
Sunday, April 8, 2012

KEVIN SPIRTAS joins OutTakes to talk about his upcoming performance at "Show Stopper Divos" on April 29th at Feinstein's at Loews Regency, New York City -- as well as his career on stage, screen and television. Daytime fans will remember Kevin as "Dr. Craig Wesley" from Days of Our Lives.
Kevin's interview is available here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/04/08/kevin-spirtas . Pre-recorded.
Showstopper Divos-A Swell Party will be presented April 29 at Feinstein's at Loews Regency in New York City. The evening features the talents of Tony nominee Stephen Bogardus, Jim Brochu from Zero Hour, Bistro Award winner Nicolas King, Myles Savage from The Platters and stage and scree star Kevin Spirtas. For tickets, call (212) 339-4045. For information about the Broadway show, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, you can order tickets from this link http://ppc.broadway.com/shows/priscilla-queen-desert/ or call Ticketmaster at 817-250-2929. And to check out Kevin Spirtas' DVD and CD of Night and Days, check out his website at http://www.kevinspirtas.com/
If you like these OutTakes Interviews, friend me at "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook and follow me at "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

SCHUYLER YANCEY joins OutTakes to talk about his role as "Cameron Davis" on Days of Our Lives. His other credits include Melrose Place, Greek and Hannah Montana.
Schuyler's interview is available here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/outtakes/2012/04/04/schuyler-yancy. Pre-recorded.
If you like these OutTakes Interviews, friend me at "OutTakes Interviews" on Facebook and follow me at "LauriesOutTakes" on Twitter.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Scott, Melissa and Emily Reeves Event -- Bellmore, NY

Scott Reeves (Steven, General Hospital), Melissa Reeves (Jennifer, Days of Our Lives) and their daughter Emily Reeves at the Brokerage Comedy Club, Bellmore, NY. 3/31/12.
To hear audio clips of some of Scott and Emily's songs from the event, check out the links below.
Forever And A Day
She's My Tennessee
A Perfect Love Song
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Teaser for Shawn Christian film SPANNERS
Check out the teaser promo for SPANNERS, starring Shawn Christian ("Dan" from DAYS OF OUR LIVES); written and directed by Jonathan Maas.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Michael Muhney Q&A Recap with Joyce Becker and Audience, Soap Opera Festival, Atlantic City
At the "Soap Opera Festival", March 24th-25th, Michael Muhney (Adam, The Young and The Restless) had an hour-long Q&A panel -- with Joyce Becker (founder of "Soap Opera Festivals") and the audience -- about his role on the soap. Here's a summary of all discussed.
How does Michael feel about switching from primetime to a soap opera? He never intended to do soaps; and his agents had to talk him into making the move from primetime television. But now he is a champion for soaps. Even so Y&R is the only soap Michael wants to do. He doesn’t want to be stuck in a niche. But he considers Y&R to really be a primetime show. “A large majority of viewers watch the show in the evening via DVR, et cetra; so the acting quality needs to be good.”
How is he like Adam in real life? Exactly…and not at all. Michael described Adam as intelligent, a character who likes to keep the other residents of Genoa City off-balance. “He says ‘fuck you!’ to all of them, but in an intelligent way.”
How did he approach playing blind? With a lot of hard research. He is a stickler for details when playing a role. When squinting during a blind scene as Adam, the network execs ordered that Adam should not be squinting. So then Muhney played Adam’s retinis pigmentosa as if you can’t tell that he is blind. According to the actor, that is more true to life anyway.
Will Adam and Phyllis get together? Muhney feels that would cross a line for Adam. “Sometimes the audience doesn’t really want what they think they want.”
Will Adam and Chelsea get together? “Adam is an army of one”…not a character to be associated with any particular couple. That includes Sharon and Adam. But he is a loyal character. At least, more so than the others on Y&R.
Any storyline Michael disagreed with? “Adam wouldn’t have thrown the memory card into the water. He always uses collateral.”
How is working with Eric Braeden (Victor) and Josh Morrow (Nick)? “They are pussycats.”
Does he add his own humor to Adam? He works with the writers. Sometimes he is allowed to change lines during the rehearsal stage. He is a big believer in collaboration. “A rising tide rises all ships.”
Does he watch the episodes? Not only that, but he reads his scripts all the way through…including the scenes he is not in.
Where is Michael from? Born in Chicago; raised in Dallas (where Billy Miller is also from).
Formal training? DePaul University. He was originally going to be a lawyer. In school, he broke his femur bone and had to take alternate classes for Physical Education. He played “Murphy” in a production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest…and the rest is history.
Favorite films? He loves Alfred Hitchcock classics. “Dark intense movies.”
How does his wife feel about his love scenes? “She is in the industry; so she’s fine with it.” His father-in-law is Marty Hornstein, a financial producer of the television series, Star Trek.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Stephen Nichols Q&A Recap with Joyce Becker and Audience, Soap Opera Festival, Atlantic City

At the "Soap Opera Festival", March 24th-25th, Stephen Nichols (Tucker, The Young and The Restless; ex-Steve, Days of Our Lives; ex-Stefan, General Hospital) had an hour-long Q&A panel -- with Joyce Becker (founder of "Soap Opera Festivals") and the audience -- about his role and career in daytime television. Here's a summary of all discussed.
Upcoming spoilers? Tucker and Devon will not end up using sign language. Tucker will be more of a bad guy again soon. There will be more of a real mother/son relationship with Katherine coming. He doesn’t think kids will be coming for Ashley and Tucker.
Does Stephen have any say on storyline? No say on storyline. He does, however, have some ability to tweak character choices with how Tucker is played.
What storyline is he most proud of? The storylines with Katherine and Devon.
If he could play any other character from Genoa City, who would it be? Daniel. Then he could be an artist and “grow the hair long, wear the outfits and have the tats.”
Did he have to audition for Tucker? He was called, based on his history in soaps.
Will there be any storyline coming up with Genie Francis (a Stefan/Laura redux from GH)? Stephen does not predict future storyline with Genie. He thinks Tucker and Ashley will remain the couple.
Out of Steve, Stefan and Tucker, which character does he prefer? At this time, Tucker. He feels Y&R is very well written. In the 80s, he felt he had to put a lot of energy in how Steve was portrayed. But there is no need to do that with Tucker. Tucker is a good “hybrid of Patch and Stefan”. All three of the characters reflect some part of his personality.
How has working on Y&R differed from DAYS? While filming DAYS in the 80s, there was “more time, money and production value”. Now everything moves much faster. “Working on DAYS from 2006 to 2009 was a nightmare. I couldn’t believe how bad it had gotten. I told Mary Beth, ‘don’t expect this to last’.”
Did he wear a see-through patch? Always a real patch.
Steve’s harmonica. Stephen never used the circular breathing technique when playing the harmonica as “Steve”. When taping the film, Phoenix, actor Brad Dourif taught him how to use a didgeridoo (an Australian wind instrument).
Why does he wear Steve’s watch as Tucker? He used to borrow fancy wardrobe from the soaps. “Now you can’t get anything”. He owns the watch. Austin Peck and Peter Reckell also have the same kind of watch as he does.
What was his favorite storyline as Steve? When Kayla looked under the patch.
What made Steve and Kayla work so well as a couple? His friendship with Mary Beth Evans. They worked well together. Also, there was so much more time to rehearse on scenes.
How did Stephen transition from being a monk to an actor? “Clumsily”, he joked. He realized he was not cut out to be a monk. He wanted family and children, but it was something he needed to do at the time; and a transition to adulthood. Being a monk taught him self-discipline, focus and concentration. He got involved with theater at LA City College on a dare and “loved it”.
What was his first acting job? Shakespeare in the Park at the Pilgrimage Theater (now John Ford Theater) in LA. He was in Othello, making $25 a week. Also, he was doing a children’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
What were his survival jobs? Waiter, bus driver, cab driver, a customer service rep at Frederick’s of Hollywood, Santa Claus. (Maria Bell later freaked out when Stephen was “Santa Claus” at one of the Y&R children’s parties and kept her kids away from him!)
Advice for those breaking into acting? “Do plays. It is the best way to learn how you are doing. Be very clear and honest about who you are. Always stay working. Always be prepared.”
Get The Dime. A 30-minute short film that Stephen wrote and directed. Not available as of yet.
Will he be doing more theater? No plans at the moment. He would prefer to direct.
What was his greatest treat or thrill? Going on a belated honeymoon with his wife in Paris.
Hobbies? Stephen paints when he can. He is working for an oil painting for his wife. Most of his paintings are in storage or in his house.
If he could not be an actor, what would he be? A musician. He wants to learn to play the guitar.
What was the necklace he was wearing at the Soap Opera Festival? It had a symbol on it of all the sound in the universe. It was a 15th wedding anniversary gift.
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