One Life To Live steals it again with the jail break-out, evil in the air and all of the teasers of various characters at the end of the show. One thing is for certain -- this soap is not going gently into that good night. Overall, it has been a great week with the reunion of Gigi, Rex and Shane, Todd's realization that Tea knows the truth, etc.
Bold and the Beautiful seems to be doing all triangle all the time with Thomas/Hope/Liam/Steffie in Cabo San Lucas. Mildly amusing with Steffy's reaction to seeing her rival at the beach, choking on pepper salsa and getting into all sorts of antics with her trying to keep Thomas and Hope away. I am still so over this triangle.
SHORTEST HONEYMOON EVER: Just the sight of Melissa Claire Egan (ex-Annie,
All My Children) means the party is already over for Billy and Victoria on
Young and the Restless. And they had already cut the honeymoon short to pursue another adoption. Why do I see yet another baby disappointment coming up in the near future?
BEST ANGSTY STORYLINE: With all the hoopla of the
Days of Our Lives reboot, I really did not anticipate that the character who is must-see TV right now is Will Horton (Chandler Massey). Every time Will lays into Sami...I admit I am loving it just for the pure drama factor. Also, the scenes with Marlena and Will are wonderful. Looking forward to another crashing reveal for Sami a la all those epic fail weddings of hers in the 1990s.
MOST DEPRESSING HOLIDAY SEASON: How can I enjoy seeing Patrick, Robin and Emma celebrate the holidays on
General Hospital, knowing what is in store ahead? The Dante/Lulu wedding was pretty sad as well...and that was supposed to be a happy occasion! I would just as soon see Maxie go off the canvas until Kirsten Storms comes back. I could care less about Sonny and Kate, Carly and Shawn, Michael's dead girlfriend, Franco, et cetera. In general, the show is just bleak and dismal. Reboot needed pronto!
Young and the Restless) appears in this week's episode of
Venice as Ani's brother.
www.venicetheseries.comEXPLOSIONS AND WEDDINGS: The mid-season finale of
The Bay has all sorts of climaxes in store. All I can say is when the bride wears that much of a veil in front of her face, you know there is going to be trouble!
www.TheBayTheSeries.comBEST SOAP LINE OF THE WEEK: (Todd to Blair about Tea, discussing his ex-wives' frenemy relationship; OLTL) I don't get it. What happened with the two of you while I was away? It's like you braid each other's hair and stuff!